Gift Yourself to Good Health
HealthGift is a program that rewards you for every measurement you take with your blood pressure monitor (BPM) and/or body composition monitor (BCM).
your blood pressure and/or your body composition regularly

Measure your blood pressure within an hour of getting up in the morning. Ensure that you take your measurement after visiting the bathroom and before having breakfast or taking an antihypertensive drug.

Measure again in the evening before going to bed.

The recommended time to measure body composition is in the morning before you exercise, eat, drink or take a shower.
Same time every day to develop a comparable trend to measure your progress.

Tickets and HealthCoins for each measurement

Each measurement gives you

Maximum HealthCoins you can earn daily:

Maximum Tickets you can earn daily:

Get a “Streak” when you take measurements for 3 consecutive days and get bonus HealthCoins

Maximum HealthCoins you can earn weekly with 2 ‘Streaks’:

Get a “Perfect Week” when you take measurements for every day of the week and get bonus HealthCoins

Maximum Healthcoins you can earn a week:

Play games with Tickets

One Ticket per game.

HealthGifts (e.g. Grab or grocery vouchers) with your HealthCoins
Submit Bids
in the Monthly and Quarterly Giveaways with your HealthCoins
What can you get with HealthCoins?

EXCHANGE HealthCoins for HealthGifts such as vouchers.

Accumulate your HealthCoins and SUBMIT BIDS to win prizes worth up to $1000 per giveaway in the Monthly and Quarterly Giveaways.